Why Inbound Training?

Why Inbound Training?
Successful sales and marketing teams need knowledge and training focused on reaching the modern consumer. Traditional sales tactics are no longer as effective as they once were. Educating the customer on how your solution fits their needs, establishing yourself as a knowledgeable resource, and building a relationship based on trust and mutual respect are essential to reaching today’s buyer. This strategy is commonly referred to as an “inbound” approach to sales and marketing.
Armed with proven 21st-century strategies for selling and marketing, your team will gain a competitive edge over the competition. Inbound training shows your organization is committed not only to financial success, but to the continuing education and improvement of your employees. Your success is their success.
And with an inbound-focused approach, your company culture will improve as well. Both marketing and sales have the same goal: to grow your organization by increasing sales and generating revenue. Yet oftentimes, both sides find themselves working towards different objectives - without any meaningful communication.
When both departments adopt an inbound approach to sales and marketing, a natural desire to work together arises. Now the entire process, from attracting a potential client to closing a sale, involves the whole team. Everyone is now working together in crafting an end-to-end strategy that results in more sales for your company.
Finding a certified trainer in inbound methodologies can be a difficult task. Hubspot, the inventor and leading authority in inbound marketing, sales, and service have only certified less than 200 ambassadors worldwide. Their rigorous, comprehensive certification programs ensure only the top marketing agencies pass their courses and receive this coveted status - and Rizen is one of them!
You can hire us with confidence, knowing we have the knowledge and experience to train your staff to be the best in inbound sales and marketing. Our CEO, Rogelio Rodriguez, is already active in inbound training across the globe, including teaching courses at the Miami Ad School and Universidad Iberoamericana, the largest private university in the Dominican Republic. Hundreds of students and working professionals have gained valuable skills and experience from his training, and your employees can too!
Let’s take a look at some of the specific training modules Rizen offers, and how they can benefit your sales and marketing teams.
Inbound Marketing Training
Inbound marketing training focuses on adopting a modern approach to engage a modern consumer. It embodies the idea that customers want to engage with businesses they have a relationship with.
Your company now spends precious time and money trying to interact with the right audience - creating meaningful interactions. With inbound marketing training, your team will be better equipped to stop chasing customers using ineffective methods like cold calls and trade shows.
Instead, you’ll learn how to make customers come to you and how to build relationships with already-interested individuals - ones who trust you to solve their immediate and future needs.
And best of all? Inbound marketing is built on a 21st century foundation, integrating today’s tools to reach today’s consumers. Just take a look at some modern strategies built-in to the inbound marketing philosophy!
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization
It’s a reality. Search engines are the primary vehicle consumers use to shop for goods and services. Every stage of the buying journey - from research to consideration, to making a purchase decision. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important in sales growth!
The more high-quality, relevant inbound content your website has, the higher it will rank in search engine algorithms. Google states that two of the top three ranking factors in their search algorithms were content and inbound links. Inbound marketing depends on making and promoting great content, and SEO optimization is critical to getting it in front of potential customers! Don’t just create something just to throw it into the void - optimize it to reach your audience! Inbound is built for that!
Social Media
Social Media
When companies use common 21st-century means of communication, like social media, to produce original, high-quality content, they align with the needs of their audience, making their customers feel understood.
Take fast-food chain Wendy’s as an example. The company had no social media or digital presence as of 2012. As more and more modern-minded chains began crowding the industry, their sales and reputation were dipping year over year. That’s when the company re-focused by hiring and enabling inbound marketing to guide their brand forward.
Brandon Rhoten, vice president for digital and social media for Wendy’s stated “We had a lot of banner ads and a few thousand followers but there was no one to lead. We were never mentioned in the same breath as anyone who knew what they were doing.”
In the span of fewer than five years, Wendy’s Twitter account went from a few thousand followers to more than three million. More importantly, their customer conversations went from a few hundred a week to thousands a day!
Customer-Focused Branding
Customer-Focused Branding
Inbound marketing embodies the premise that customers crave an essentially personal relationship with the brands they buy from. While price will always be a major factor in a consumer’s decision, identical products often compete for purchases simply based on a buyer’s preference.
This preference can be formed from a mixture of several factors - trustworthiness, quality, and a legacy of altruism are just some. More and more importantly though, brands gain that preferential edge based on how well they identify with their target audience.
A good place to start is what story your company is trying to tell. Your company can benefit from social media if it’s used properly, and inbound training from Rizen can provide exactly that!
Concrete, Useful Data
Concrete, Useful Data
A major downside to traditional outbound marketing lies in its inability to provide exact, useful data. Calculating results is an inexact science at best. TV ratings can determine how many people were tuned in during your commercial, but it can’t engage impressions or engagements as a result.
Newspapers and magazines can relay how many people subscribe to the publication you’ve run your advertisement in, but can’t reliably engage the ad’s influence on its readership. Inbound-focused marketing can provide these results more antiquated mediums can’t.
Online inbound marketing offers all the reliable data you’ll need to know how effective your campaigns are. Impressions, interactions, time on site, sales conversion rates and a plethora of other performance metrics provide precious insights into not only how your content is delivering, but who are engaging with it. This knowledge of your audience can help to guide future marketing endeavors.
Inbound marketing methods have a proven, successful track record. It’s time to embrace the future!
How Successful is Inbound Marketing Training?

A 2018 MIT study of businesses that used inbound leader Hubspot’s tools found that more than 92% of clients saw an increase in website traffic and leads as a direct result of inbound marketing, while 49.2% saw an increase in sales.
The report also shared that inbound-trained marketing teams saw 2.1x more visitors per month within one year, 2.5x more leads per month within one year, and 70% saw an increase in lead to customer conversion rate.
These types of results are why more than 56,500 companies in over 100 countries across the globe grow their business using inbound marketing. Names you’d recognize, like Shopify, Casio, Tufts University, and The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!
Your company can benefit as well - and Rizen can help! We are a new breed of marketers. We are passionate, driven, and infatuated with providing results for your business; and we want to work with you!
Current Inbound Marketing Courses
Take a look at the Inbound Marketing Courses we currently offer for more information. Get in touch with us today if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment - we’re here to help!

Digital Advertising 101
In this course, we cover the basics of how to utilize digital advertising to reach a targeted audience. Using concrete data and other collected metrics, we’ll show you the not-so-complicated science behind pay-per-click strategies to maximize your marketing reach.

Maximizing Interaction With Your Customers
You’ve done the work of putting content out there to attract leads, and now you have one. They want more information, or would like to speak to someone at your company about making a purchase. Don’t panic! Put your best foot forward with our training course focused on meeting preparation, nonverbal cues, and conversation strategies to make every interaction a success!

Social Media Strategies for Maximum Reach
This course focuses on helping your marketing team make the most of each social media post! Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter, we’ll show you the science behind posts that get clicks, attract new followers, and lead to new sales.

Streamlining the Content Planning Process
Inbound marketing relies on the constant production of quality content. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, infographics, or case studies, a successful marketing strategy relies on an organized, diverse, and targeted plan to reach an intended audience. Learn how to successfully map out content plans - both in the short and long-term!
Inbound Sales Marketing

When we take an honest look at today’s sales landscape, an endless sea of companies all compete to solve customer problems. A catalog mailed is simply one of many in a mailbox, and a high-ranking search result isn’t enough alone to convince today’s consumer. No, customers in our modern world want to know who they are doing business with. Are they trustworthy? Are they knowledgeable? Are they transparent?
While there’s still an important place for outbound sales tactics, a newer approach must be adopted to reach the modern customer. You must educate the client on how your solution fits their needs, and establish yourself as a trustworthy, knowledgeable entity that will work with, instead of against customers as they complete the buying journey.
This approach is commonly referred to as “inbound sales.”
In a nutshell, inbound sales are all about prioritizing the customer’s needs before your own.
As we discussed already, today’s buyer is different. So it stands to reason today’s seller must be different as well. And it’s not enough to have only your marketing team using an inbound philosophy. Consider that only one half of the coin.
In order for truly effective sales growth to occur, sales must also understand and adopt an inbound philosophy as well.
A fully-trained inbound marketing team will produce a constant stream of quality content resulting in sales-qualified leads. A properly-trained sales team will need to know how to turn those leads into sales.
Unification is key! There must be shared knowledge and goals for both marketing and sales teams to succeed!
When both departments are working toward the same goal, a natural desire to collaborate arises. Now the entire process, from attracting a potential client to closing a sale, involves the whole team.
Marketing now needs to focus on not just attracting a customer, but getting them to the final purchasing stage. Sales now need to focus on using marketing effectively to get those revenue numbers up. Both teams are now one in crafting an end-to-end strategy which always results in more sales for your company. This is the well-oiled machine every business wants and needs!
Rizen has helped dozens of organizations achieve inbound success by training sales teams. We believe there’s no other more effective medium than inbound marketing and sales to generate and convert new customers.
Current Inbound Sales Courses
Take a look at the inbound sales courses we currently offer for more information. Get in touch with us today if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment - we’re here to help!

Inbound Sales Training
The Inbound Sales Certification features five classes that introduce you to the Inbound Sales Methodology. From identifying potential buyers, to developing outreach strategies, to building personalized presentations, this free sales training course covers the basics of what inbound sales is all about.

Sales Enablement Certification
The Sales Enablement Certification will teach you how to develop a marketing-driven sales enablement strategy. This course was designed with managers in mind, but other teams can benefit from learning the principles involved in this approach to sales enablement. This course is made up of 12 classes and a 60-question exam.

HubSpot Software Training
This training course will teach you how to use HubSpot CRM and the core features of Sales Hub to execute a high-performing inbound sales strategy like a pro. Say goodbye to the manual tasks and confusing features of most customer relationship management systems! In this course, we're going to make you an expert.

Prioritizing Active Over Passive Buyers
Identifying the right business opportunities from the start can be the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. This course covers key tactics for identifying the active and passive buyers you should and shouldn’t be spending time on.

Delivering Relationship-Focused Sales Presentations
Potential customers want to know how products and services are specifically going to help them solve their problem.. This course covers the best practices for creating sales presentations that answer your audience’s questions and motivate them to move forward with buying.

Earning the Attention of the Today's Customer
When inbound salespeople connect with potential buyers, they personalize their outreach for each individual buyer. This lesson demonstrates how to connect with buyers in a variety of situations and includes best practices for creating outreach sequences.
Other Services from Rizen
If you’re looking for someone else to do the heavy lifting when it comes to marketing and sales, we can be your end-to-end solution! Rizen is equipped with all of the tools necessary to get your company to attract, convert, close and delight!
Each plan we create is tailored to your company and focuses on achieving your business goals.
Inbound Marketing Services:
Here’s what At Rizen, we have a comprehensive approach to injecting an inbound marketing strategy for any size organization. Our process includes:
- A "kick-off" meeting to formulate an inbound marketing strategy tailored just for your organization.
- An in-depth marketing audit to assess your current marketing materials and lead-conversion ratios.
- A short and long-term "content compass" plan to schedule future marketing campaigns and build interdepartmental synergy.
- Creation of materials to reach your audience at every stage of their buying journey (blog posts, infographics, ebooks, videos, case studies, etc.)
- Development of buyer personas and profiles.
- Inbound fundamentals training for all marketing staff.
- Hubspot CRM setup and ongoing software support and training.
Inbound Sales Services:
At Rizen, we have a comprehensive approach to injecting an inbound marketing strategy for any size organization. Our process includes:
- An in-depth sales audit to assess your lead-to-customer success.
- An inventory of current resources for sales teams to close a deal.
- A short and long-term strategic plan to improve your sales process, and interdepartmental synergy.
- Creation of materials to improve conversions (call scripts, PowerPoint decks, etc.).
- Inbound fundamentals training for all sales staff.
- Hubspot CRM setup and ongoing software support and training.
- Regular "check-in" meeting to review progress and update strategies.
The Rizen Promise
At Rizen, our main goal is to remove the mystery of marketing and replace it with cold hard numbers for our clients. Rizen is the culmination of experience and personal growth of marketers, designers, programmers, trendsetters and some very crazy cool, forward, out-of-the-box thinking people. Our goals reflect our values as an organization, as we aim to accomplish the following for both our clients and ourselves:
- To educate our customers, partners, and friends about inbound marketing and sales.
- To position customers for growth using inbound practices.
- To become a worldwide inbound marketing and sales organization.
- To grow from the feedback we received from our customers, partners, and team members.
- To evaluate our achievements using the most innovative methods and tools.
- To provide thought-leadership to the inbound marketing community.
So what are you waiting for? Begin your inbound journey today by visiting our website, checking our our blog, following us on social media, or contacting us to begin an exciting conversation about your future!